The ULTRAM synthesizer is able to cover the mondial ATV 1220 to 1300 MHz band, but unfortunately, it is programmed to a single frequency of 1249 MHz. By removing the small 8 pins PIC12F629 (at your own risk) from the ULTRAM board and driving the SPI bus with a PIC 16F628A, it is now possible to program, using two push buttons, any frequency in the 1220 to 1300MHz range with a 1MHz step.The frequency is displayed on a 2 line HD44780 LCD .The displayed frequency can be memorized in the PIC EEPROM by a third push button, then the display shows the word “MEMORIZING”.
The hardware
A PIC 16F628A from Microchip,a standard LCD display HD44780 type, 2 x 16 characters lines display,10 resistors, an adjustable resistor, 3 capacitors and 3 push buttons, a 5V regulator and a diode and an ULTRAM synthesizer card with the 8 pin PIC16F629 removed.
The software
The software was developed with the free Mikroelectronika Picbasicpro demo version. An EasyPIC4 development board was used to burn the PIC and then the PIC was plugged in the breadboard (see image).The program source is free and open source.
PCB files have been updated.
April 2012 . Full details here:
N.B. pcb track is mirror image for use with printer/ pressNpeel .