The DigiLite Project is a system designed by radio amateurs to provide a low cost homebrew method of transmitting live digital TV pictures (DATV) . It is a derivative of the “Poor Man's DATV System” which many amateurs have contributed to over several years. Not available as a kit, but with the BATC single board and some of the more difficult to obtain parts available from the BATC shop it means a self-build digital modulator is now within the reach of everyone.
Information here is freeware and is not for commercial use, the DATV software should not be modified or released without G4EWJ approval. Any files downloaded from other sites remain the property of the originator and any copyright remains theirs. See EULAs therein.
This website is maintained on a daily basis to ensure that modifications and design changes to the DigiLite software are always the latest versions. Please do not reproduce these pages on other websites as they can not be kept up to date. If you wish to reproduce images or extract a few parts of these pages to use on your website you may, but please ensure that links to this index page are clearly visible. Full legal statement: click here.
Final batch of DigiLite boards now in stock. Prices reduced for BATC members, see STORE page. No further boards will be available when this current stock is sold out. If you are thinking of building your own digital ATV encoder/modulator better grab a pcb while they are still available!
An updated Parts List is available for download at dlhardware1.html page.
NEW IN ! : A tiny plug-in pcb to allow quick changing of the Nyquist filters to enable different Symbol Rates to be used. CQTV article. Free with every DigiLite board purchased.
Intended to cover either 70cm or 23cm the Digilite was the DIY option for those wishing to build their own digital transmitter from scratch. It can usually be made for under £150. It remains the cheapest entry option to good quality MPEG2 DATV .
When purchasing the 5v regulator for the DigiLite please note that some of the cheaper versions require minimum 10v input and often handle only 500mA maximum current. The original design has the 5v regulator using the output of the 8v regulator rather than the 12v supply to spread the heat requirements of the two regulators. Please use the TS7805CZ or equivalent (CPC:SC10582) ( RS:398-697) (Farnell:7173989). The 8v regulator handles the same current as the 5v regulator plus the L.O. board so ensure that the type you use is man enough. The MC7808CTG is preferred.(RS:516-4806).If you are running from 10 to 12v DC heatsinks are not necessary. Over 12v will require heat sinking.
Low cost G8BYI Controller boards for making the Ultram oscillator boards fully tuneable are now available here. Also see G8BYI website for details of his Local Oscillator boards.
Details: store
Brian G4EWJ has released details of the H264 DigiThin.This is a different design entirely intended for narrow bandwidth tv signals requiring a Raspberry Pi computer and should not be confused with the DigiLite. These are not useable or interchangeable with standard DigiLite boards. No details are provided on this site. See the BATC Forum for details.
How to use this website:
Take a look through the overview on the PROJECT menu.
Download the circuit diagram from CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION
Get yourself a secondhand Hauppauge WINTV PVRx50 PCI video capture card or a USB stand-alone version if preferred and set a PC up to record from the video input of the PVR card. The DigiLite software can be downloaded from SOFTWARE/DOWNLOAD. TRANSMIT will use this stream of data whilst it is recording to build up a suitable Digital Tv signal for ATV use. Settings are made using the CONFIG program. Details of the various software options are on the other SOFTWARE pages.
You will find detailed instructions to enable you to build, without expensive testgear, a good quality digital encoder from scratch and you will learn how it all works and have the pleasure of seeing your own handiwork in action. Don't worry about the technicalities, there are very detailed instructions with extra help pages and if you still have trouble after building it there is help on the BATC Forum.
We would like to thank the BATC for their efforts in getting behind this project and help in making it public.
The DigiLite is a serialiser/ modulator board, a separate pll local oscillator is needed and a plug-in USB interface . The BATC shop no longer keeps pre- programmed chips and USB interface boards so you will need to be able to program the PIC chip yourself. I have the programmed chips on this site store page. The USB interface board can be programmed simply by using the USB connection to your PC. Full instructions on the SOFTWARE/DOWNLOADS page.